1.1.1 Overall POs COs and PSOs
1.4.1 Feedback on Curriculum Quesionaire and Responses
2.2.1 Ramadial classes coaching
2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey Number of Research Publications during 2020-2021
4.1.2 College Sport Courts, Gymnasium & Auditorium
Registration Deed of ASNM Govt.College(A),Palakol
5.1.1-Scalorships from 2017 to 2022
a) Scalorship Proceedings 2017-18
b) Scalorship Proceedings 2018-19
c) Scalorship Proceedings 2019-20
d) Scalorship Proceedings 2020-21
e) Scalorship Proceedings 2021-22
5.2.2-Higher Education
5.2.3- a) List of Students qualified AP state examinations b)List of students qualified in State Exams
5.4.1 - The Alumni Association and its Chapters
6.1.1 a) -Perspective Plan b) Display Board c) GB Minutes from 2017 to 2021
6.1.2. Vice Principal(Academic affairs) b)Committees MOM
6.1.3. a) Leave Rules b) Institutional Strategic Plan
6.2.1 - The institutional Strategic/ Perspective plan has been clearly articulated and implemented
6.5.3 - Quality assurance initiatives of the institution
7.1.2 Geo tagged photographs of solar panels and LED bulbs
7.1.2 Bills for the purchase of LED bulbs
7.2.1 Institutional best practices
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness
7.1.4 Geo Tagged photographs on water conservation facilities
7.1.4 R.O.water plant bill