About IQAC - Committee and Criterion ln charge details
IQAC actively works for the enhancement of quality of education in our Institution.
Functions of IQAC :
Presentation of recent and actual work done by the faculty/research scholars
Encouraging live study projects (preferably regional)
Conduct of online examinations as a part of internal assessment
Submission of research/review papers as well as publication of proceedings without plagiarism.
Assessment of student quality by assignments (atleast 3 per semester in each paper predesigned and placed in the website)
Assessment of student quality by atleast one seminar by each student
Conduct of subject class room quiz
Strengthening of academic counselling and career counselling.
Strengthening of alumni association by involving alumni in the development of college.
Making availability of Audio/video systems in e-class rooms as well as MOOCS and Inflibnet facilities
Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes
IQAC is collecting feedback twice a year from students, parents, teachers and alumni based on the format designed by the NAAC.
Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders by uploading the IQAC activities in the college website and inviting suggestions from stakeholders.
IQAC encourages all the departments to conduct inter (at International/National/State/Regional levels) and intra (at college level) seminars/workshops/exhibitions/observation of important days.
IQAC helps in academic & administrative audits by proving necessary information with valid proofs.
Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC.